Capt. Archibald Monteith
Company F This biography was generously shared by Linda A. Ellsworth, researcher for the Monteith Historical Society Of the Monteiths living in Albany, Oregon in the 1870s only Archibald Monteith had served on the battlefields of the Civil War. Archibald Duncan Montieth was born 28 June 1841 in Broadalbin, NY to William J. Monteith and Margaret Foote. William John Monteith was the older brother to Walter and Thomas Monteith, founders of Albany, Oregon. When the rest of the family moved to Illinois, Wm J. stayed in Broadalbin where he was the pastor of the Presbyterian Church. In 1856 he moved his family to Waukeshe, Wisconsin to be Presbyterian minister, Vice President and instructor at Carroll College. The college failed and his wife died. He then moved to Genesee, Wisconsin with his five sons, John, Fred, Arch, Ebenezer, Walter and Charles. Archibald D. Monteith enlisted August 11, 1862 in Co. F, 28th Regiment, Wisconsin Infantry. He rapidly rose in ranks to Captain. He was involved in engagements at Little Rock, Pine Bluff, Mobil and Selma. After the evacuation of Mobile, he was sent to Galveston and thence to Brownsville, Texas where he was Provost Marshal until the end of the war. He was mustered out Aug. 23, 1865. An 1863 photo of brigade headquarters included Capt. Monteith. By 1867 Wm J., Archibald, and Walter were in Albany, Oregon. Walter died May 9, 1867 and is buried at Riverside Cemetery. Archibald died Feb. 28, 1871 and is also buried at Riverside Cemetery. Wm J. moved to Lapwai, Idaho where he and his son John and later Charles were in charge of the Nez Pierce Indians agency. Wm J. died August 29, 1876. |
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